E.B.Sは、京都伏見にある自転車ブランドです。 日本人サイズに合ったサイズと使い方を考え、企画・設計後、 自社の工房で一から手作りで製作しています。

日常の生活にもう少し便利に もう少し冒険をもう少し豊かなものを そんな思いをつめた自転車です。
長く大事に、いつまでも使ってもらえる自転車を。 エンジニアード・バイク・サービスの頭文字を取ったE.B.Sは 生活に即した修理可能でLongLifeなモデル製作をコンセプトにするブランドです。 性能を追い求めるのはなく、乗って快適で、佇まいがきれいなモデルを心がけて製作しています。

“A product that is deeply rooted in everyday life and will last a lifetime”
E.B.S is a bike brand, based in Kyoto.
We take the Japanese/Asian body size and way of life into consideration when we plan and design. We hand build bike frames from scratch in our workshop.
We believe in the possibility of bikes and aim to make bikes which can be passed on from one generation to the next.
“Our bikes can give you a richer life”
We put a lot of thought into our bikes to make your everyday life more convenient, comfortable, pleasant and a bit more adventurous.
We make bikes that we hope you will want to look after and cherish. E.B.S means Engineered・Bike・Service. The brand concept is bikes to fit your life, are repairable and therefore will last a lifetime. We are not aiming to make the fastest bikes, we are focusing on comfort, convenience, shape and beauty.
We will continue to be open minded and have fresh design ideas about how we use bikes and to believe in the possibility of bikes.